
rnc: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

GOP wants to know what I think of Trump. I told them. - 10/21/18

The GOP has sent me (and a few million others) a questionnaire [1] asking my opinion of Donald Trump so far. Here are my responses: Q. Do you approve of the job being done by President Donald J. Trump?

Ask Reince Priebus these questions about the RNC immigration amnesty resolution - 08/17/13

The RNC recently passed a resolution calling for a limited form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty for illegal aliens).

Ask Reince Priebus this very basic immigration question he doesn't realize he raised (RNC chairman) - 06/28/13

This site has covered politicians saying some dumb things, and the following quote from RNC chairman Reince Priebus ranks right up there (link):

Oops: "Hispanics" now want GOP to stop opposing Obamacare - 04/01/13

In negotiations, when you show weakness and make weak demands, your opponents tend to take advantage of that. Thus it is with the GOP quest for racial power (link):

RNC's Bush-linked Growth and Opportunity Project: GOP is "scary" to voters, must pass amnesty, Caring Conservatism - 03/18/13

Who better to solve the GOP's demographic problems then acolytes of the people who created the problem in the first place?

What if Stand Up Florida were smart? (interrupts Marco Rubio at RNC convention; SEIU) - 08/28/12

The video below shows the SEIU-linked group "Stand Up Florida" ("SUF") [1] engaging in dumb behavior during a Marco Rubio speech at the GOP Convention [2]. Five protesters from that group stand up and start shouting assertions, which Rubio deftly handles.

GOP platform supports Arizona-style laws, but includes guest worker program - 08/21/12

First the good news about the newly-passed GOP platform. From [1]: The official party position now reads that "State efforts to reduce illegal immigration must be encouraged, not attacked," and says the Department of Justice should immediately drop its lawsuits against controversial state immigration laws in Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina and Utah.

Poll: GOP obsesses over spending, downplays much more important immigration issue - 04/17/12

The chart below [1] shows that the GOP has become a party of crazed accountants, obsessing over the budget deficit. At the same time, the immigration issue has become less important to the GOP. That's despite immigration - which determines who lives in the U.S. and who votes - being a far more vital and fundamental issue than spending. Deficits can be reduced in future years with increased economic activity and other means, but immigration is forever and ever and ever.

Obama campaign manager tweets "chimichanga" and GOP outraged: what they won't mention - 02/15/12

A new and almost entirely worthless controversy involves Barack Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina tweeting a comment about chimichangas. No, really. But, it's not entirely worthless: I'll tell you below some of the things you won't hear from either side. In case you haven't been following along, see [1] for a recap. Some notes:

Poorer and younger whites flee to GOP, and what Democrats can do about it - 07/22/11

A new Pew survey has disturbing news for we in the Democratic Party: whites - especially those who are poorer and younger - are joining the Republican Party in droves. What we Democrats can do about this below, first from Pew (link):

Carly Fiorina misleads: ignores immigration role in California problems (NRSC vice chair, "job creators") - 07/13/11

Former California senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina is the new vice chairwoman of the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee). She also becomes just the latest fiscal conservative to mislead people using the "Fiscal Con" (see the link).

Republican Liberty Caucus is a cruel joke on California - 03/16/11

The "Republican Liberty Caucus" ("RLC") is a nationwide, independent group of libertarians that present themselves as the "Conscience of the Republican Party". Think of them as a more established, slightly saner, slightly more principled, non-"NeoCon" version of the tea parties. Their policies - like those of other libertarians - are also a cruel joke, especially on California. Like other libertarians, one of their policies - open borders [1] - renders all of their other policies moot. The loose/open borders they support sharply reduces the chances that we'll ever have limited government...

GOP "Pledge to America" on immigration: OK, but much missing - 09/22/10

The GOP has released a draft version of their new "Pledge to America"; the official release will be tomorrow at a Virginia hardware store (for that extra-special down-home touch). They focus on five main areas: * "A Plan to Create Jobs, End Economic Uncertainty, and Make America More Competitive" * "A Plan to Stop Out-of-Control Spending and Reduce the Size of Government" * "A Plan to Repeal and Replace the Government Takeover of Health Care" * "A Plan to Reform Congress and Restore Trust" * "A Plan to Keep Our Nation Secure at Home & Abroad" Following page upon page devoted to the first...

Michael Steele distances GOP from Arizona law, on Univision - 08/24/10

Speaking on Univision, RNC chairman Michael Steele tried to distance the GOP from the new Arizona immigration law (link, video at peekURL.com/vjoo7o3 ). In a minor way this is a good thing in that by so doing he's distancing himself from the Republican base and dragging down other GOP leaders with him. It's a bad thing because he's giving more power to the far-left, the Democrats, and other illegal immigration supporters. The voiceover to the clip referred to the Arizona law as "anti-immigrant" (in Spanish). Instead of calling them on such lies, Steele propped up the notion that in order to...

John Cornyn: sticking point to GOP using Arizona immigration suit against Democrats? - 06/22/10

The Obama administration will probably file a lawsuit against Arizona over their new immigration law; per Jake Tapper it might come next week. Some GOP leaders are encouraging that party to use it as a campaign issue, but according to this (obviously speculative) report, John Cornyn - chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee - might be the sticking point: But the consultant, who has urged clients to take a strong stance on immigration, does not expect Cornyn to make the Arizona law a national issue to batter Democrats, for fear of offending Hispanic constituents at home. β€œSen...

GOP's "America Speaking Out" is worse than just a joke - 05/26/10

Following their "YouCut" stunt, the GOP has released yet another stunt called "America Speaking Out" (americaspeakingout.com, put together by Rep. Kevin McCarthy). Like YouCut, it's based on popular voting systems and lets users submit and vote on ideas in a limited set of categories.

RNC's Michael Steele supports amnesty at meeting with far-left, Mexico-linked groups - 04/01/10

Two days ago I posted a notice that Michael Steele of the RNC was going to meet with extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters and urged others to contact him suggesting that he handle the meeting in the correct way [1]. Not surprisingly, Steele handled the meeting in the completely incorrect way (link): According to a news release put out by the activists [2], he said he would try and recruit Republican support for comprehensive immigration legislation. The RNC says he made no such commitment. The immigration activist who led the meeting said he did, but then [Steele]...

Michael Steele, extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters to meet March 31 (after sit-in) - 03/30/10

RNC chairman Michael Steele will be meeting with a group of far-left illegal immigration supporters on March 31, 2010; the details on who's involved and the backstory is below. Most importantly of all, please take a few moments and try to contact him, his staff, or someone who can get a message to him and suggest that he handles this meeting in the right way. Note: the only two contacts I've found are info *at* gop.com and on Twitter: @ChairmanMSteele but I don't know if the second is really his. The wrong way, of course, would be for the chairman of the Republican Party to agree with far-...

Obama devastates GOP "arguments" live on TV (House Republican retreat) - 01/30/10

Barack Obama appeared at a nationally-televised House Republican retreat in Baltimore yesterday at which several leading Republicans asked him questions which he then handled with ease. He "p0wned" them so badly that Fox News cut away from the coverage twenty minutes before it ended. What the House members asked were weak, open-ended question or simply requests. They weren't adversarial questions designed to reveal flaws in his policies or statements. Because of that, they allowed him to say things like this: And the notion that I would somehow resist doing something that cost half as much...

Arizona GOP launches Hispanic site; why are they helping the Democrats? - 01/07/10

The Arizona Republican Party launched a Hispanic website earlier this week; announcement at azgop.org/news.asp?artid=156, the site itself at azhispanics.ning.com. As can be seen on the attached image, neither the site nor their other related social media efforts seem to be doing that well. But, at least it's good to know that John McCain has one friend. Their chairman Randy Pullen - someone who seemed somewhat OK in the past - says: "Too often Hispanics in Arizona have felt left out of our political system... This website seeks to engage those who may be looking for a new way to get involved...

RNC considers loony Obama "socialist" resolution, including deceptive immigration position - 11/23/09

Back in May, conservatives on the RNC considered a resolution under which they'd call the Democratic Party the "Democrat Socialist Party". Now, some of the same brain surgeons are back with a resolution urging "Republican solidarity in opposition to Obama's socialist agenda" (link). While there's certainly the possibility that Obama has sympathies on that direction, and it's a fact that he has multiple associations with those on the hard left, he doesn't have a public "socialist agenda". The most that could be said is that it's trending in that direction more than to the center or right....

Jennifer Rubin /Pajamas Media has so-so advice for GOP, but doesn't get their fundamental problems ("Party of Not Obama") - 06/20/09

Jennifer Rubin of Pajamas Media offers "Rallying the Party of 'Not Obama'" (pajamasmedia.com/blog/rallying-the-party-of-not-obama), a laundry list of suggestions for things that the GOP could oppose Obama over; it's a response to those who say the GOP should just concentrate on the positive.

Michael Steele plays race card... on RNC? Plus, much, much more. - 05/27/09

If you're a Republican or you want an effective, pro-American alternative to the current Democratic Party, the attached video of RNC chairman Michael Steele is a must-see. While it was edited by ThinkProgress and it may be missing key parts, the parts that are clearly in context do not make Steele look very good at all.

James Bopp, Jeff Kent *help* Obama with RNC "Democrat Socialist Party" resolution - 05/13/09

Before the election, many Obama opponents kept making the same mistakes over and over; those mistakes had the ultimate impact of helping Obama win. Several days before the election I listed twenty mistakes those opponents made in satirical form; as if to reinforce my point, that list was immediately deleted when I posted it to FreeRepublic. A couple days before the election, I accurately predicted how the "Obama wants to bankrupt the coal industry" story would end; simply telling the truth would have actually been effective. Now comes RNC member Jeff Kent and RNC Vice Chairman James Bopp Jr....

"National Council for a New America": new GOP, same old amnesty? (Jeb, McCain, Romney) - 04/29/09

On Thursday, a group of putatively moderate Republicans will announce a new effort called "National Council for a New America". While they claim that they're non-partisan, it's clearly a GOP effort. And, the list of those involved that CNN has obtained (link) includes several supporters of comprehensive immigration reform.

Payback: union labor might be requirement on federal construction projects (example: the stimulus bill) - 02/07/09

On Friday, Barack Obama signed an Executive Order [1] that contains this: ...it is the policy of the Federal Government to encourage executive agencies to consider requiring the use of project labor agreements in connection with large-scale construction projects in order to promote economy and efficiency in Federal procurement. "Project labor agreements" mean the exclusive use of union labor, as described elsewhere in the Order. A "large-scale" project is one over $25 million, and there would no doubt be a large number of such projects under the stimulus plan. On the one hand, this might...

Michael Steele: doublespeak on immigration "reform" and amnesty - 01/30/09

Michael Steele is the new chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). On tonight's PBS NewsHour, David Brooks said he'll probably avoid "anti-immigrant" talk, and we know what that means: Brooks thinks Steele will support illegal activity. While Steele's exact positions remain to be seen, consider the June 14, 2007 article "Secure the border first" (link). "Securing the border" is generally a dodge, see the link. And, although he was opposed to 2007's comprehensive immigration reform bill, the "first" leaves an opening for some form of amnesty after the border is supposedly secured....

The Star Spanglish Banner and Barack the Magic Negro tear up the RNC chart - 12/29/08

The latest way for the MSM and the Democratic Party to portray the Republican Party as home of knuckle-dragging racists was, ultimately, self-inflicted by Chip Saltsman, a candidate to be chair of the RNC. Saltsman is a former head of the Tennessee Republican Party who managed the Mike Huckabee campaign and who recently distributed a Christmas CD containing parody songs, including some from Paul Shanklin which are "controversial". To a good extent, the two songs I've reviewed are only controversial because they were made so. Unfortunately, that's not a full defense of Saltsman's actions...

Mel Martinez quits as RNC chairman; Peter Wallsten/LAT offers pro-illegal immigration spin - 10/21/07

As predicted and even sooner than was hoped, Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) has quit as the head of the RNC. Don't let the door hit you, etc.

Mel Martinez stabs base in back, will promote massive immigration - 11/15/06

One of the leading MSM themes is to falsely accuse those who support our immigration laws of being bad people, mean-spirited, meanies, and the like. Unfortunately, some corrupt Republicans join in that bashing. In effect, those GOP members are crossing over to the other side and they're doing the MSM's (and the Democrats') work for them.

"Immigration issue yanked off GOP agenda" - 08/31/04

Newsday has a report (link) similar to, but not as good as, the one in the previous post: Even as Michael Bloomberg heralded New York's diversity Monday, President George W. Bush's controversial plan to put in place a temporary worker program is getting no major billing at the Republican National Convention.